PIC Assistant Adjunct Professor (Postdoc), Department of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2018-2022.
Hosted by Prof. Wotao Yin
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences, The University of Iowa, 2018.
Advisors: Prof. Jian-Feng Cai and
Prof. Weiyu Xu M.C.S. in Computer Science, The University of Iowa, 2017. M.S. in Mathematics, The University of Iowa, 2014.
Research Interests
My research interests are in the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of mathematical optimization, data science, and machine learning.
More specifically, my current research focuses on six directions:
Provably efficient and robust non-convex algorithm for large-scale data analysis problems.
Fast and robust signal/image processing with incomplete and/or corrupted data.
Query- and computation-efficient methods for structure-aware zeroth-order optimization problems.
Efficient black-box adversarial attacks on neural-network-based classifiers.
Deep-learning augmented optimization for inverse problems.
Theoretical and computational foundations for modeling high-performance deep networks.