Scholarly Publications:
Preprints (Double-blind submissions may not be listed)
HQ Cai , Chandra Kundu, Jialin Liu, and Wotao Yin. Deeply Learned Robust Matrix Completion for Large-scale Low-rank Data Recovery .
HQ Cai , Longxiu Huang, Xiliang Lu, and Juntao You. Accelerating Ill-conditioned Hankel Matrix Recovery via Structured Newton-like Descent .
Akram Heidarizadeh, HQ Cai , George Atia. Storage-invariant, Defense-resistant, Explainable Adversarial Attacks: Advancing Robustness and Interpretability in Adversarial Noise Designs .
Paris Giampouras, HQ Cai , and René Vidal. Guarantees of a Preconditioned Subgradient Algorithm for Overparameterized Asymmetric Low-rank Matrix Recovery .
Chandler Smith, HQ Cai , and Abiy Tasissa. Riemannian Optimization for Non-convex Euclidean Distance Geometry with Global Recovery Guarantees .
Xinyu Chen, HQ Cai , Fuqiang Liu, and Jinhua Zhao. Correlating Time Series with Interpretable Convolutional Kernels .
Bowen Su, Juntao You, HQ Cai , and Longxiu Huang. Guaranteed Sampling Flexibility for Low-tubal-rank Tensor Completion .
Bumsu Kim, Daniel Mckenzie, HQ Cai , and Wotao Yin. Curvature-Aware Derivative-Free Optimization .
Journal and Selected Conference Papers
HQ Cai , Zehan Chao, Longxiu Huang, and Deanna Needell. Robust Tensor CUR Decompositions: Rapid Low-Tucker-Rank Tensor Recovery with Sparse Corruption , SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS) , 17(1): 225–247, 2024.
Xue Wang, Tian Zhou, Jianqing Zhu, Jialin Liu, Kun Yuan, Tao Yao, Wotao Yin, Rong Jin, and HQ Cai . S3 Attention: Improving Long Sequence Attention with Smoothed Skeleton Sketching , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP) , 18(6): 985–996, 2024.
Xinyu Chen, Zhanhong Cheng, HQ Cai , Nicolas Saunier, and Lijun Sun. Laplacian Convolutional Representation for Traffic Time Series Imputation , IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) , 36(11): 6490–6502, 2024.
Kai Han, Jin Wang, Yunhui Shi, HQ Cai , Nam Ling, Baocai Yin. WTDUN: Wavelet Tree-Structured Sampling and Deep Unfolding Network for Image Compressed Sensing , ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM) , 21(1): 33.1–33.22, 2024.
Jialin Liu, Xiaohan Chen, Zhangyang Wang, Wotao Yin, and HQ Cai . Towards Constituting Mathematical Structures for Learning to Optimize , In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) , 2023.
HQ Cai , Longxiu Huang, Pengyu Li, and Deanna Needell. Matrix Completion with Cross-Concentrated Sampling: Bridging Uniform Sampling and CUR Sampling , IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) , 45(8): 10100–10113, 2023.
HQ Cai , Jian-Feng Cai, and Juntao You. Structured Gradient Descent for Fast Robust Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Completion , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) , 45(3): A1172–A1198, 2023.
HQ Cai , Daniel Mckenzie, Wotao Yin, and Zhenliang Zhang. A One-Bit, Comparison-Based Gradient Estimator , Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) , 60: 242–266, 2022.
HQ Cai , Daniel Mckenzie, Wotao Yin, and Zhenliang Zhang. Zeroth-Order Regularized Optimization (ZORO): Approximately Sparse Gradients and Adaptive Sampling , SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT) , 32(2): 687–714, 2022.
HQ Cai , Jialin Liu, and Wotao Yin. Learned Robust PCA: A Scalable Deep Unfolding Approach for High-Dimensional Outlier Detection . In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeruIPS) , 2021.
HQ Cai , Yuchen Lou, Daniel Mckenzie, and Wotao Yin. A Zeroth-Order Block Coordinate Descent Algorithm for Huge-Scale Black-Box Optimization . In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) , 2021.
HQ Cai , Keaton Hamm, Longxiu Huang, and Deanna Needell. Mode-wise Tensor Decompositions: Multi-dimensional Generalizations of CUR Decompositions . Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) , 22(185): 1–36, 2021.
HQ Cai , Keaton Hamm, Longxiu Huang, and Deanna Needell. Robust CUR Decomposition: Theory and Imaging Applications . SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS) , 14(4): 1472–1503, 2021.
HQ Cai , Jian-Feng Cai, Tianming Wang, and Guojian Yin. Accelerated Structured Alternating Projections for Robust Spectrally Sparse Signal Recovery . IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP) , 69: 809–821, 2021.
HQ Cai , Keaton Hamm, Longxiu Huang, Jiaqi Li, and Tao Wang. Rapid Robust Principal Component Analysis: CUR Accelerated Inexact Low Rank Estimation . IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) , 28: 116–120, 2020.
HQ Cai , Jian-Feng Cai, and Ke Wei. Accelerated Alternating Projections for Robust Principal Component Analysis . Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) , 20(1): 685–717, 2019.
Other Referred Conference and Workshop Papers
Chandra Kundu, Abiy Tasissa, and HQ Cai . Structured Sampling for Robust Euclidean Distance Geometry . In Conference of Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) , 2025.
Akram Heidarizadeh, Connor Hatfield, Lorenzo Lazzarotto, HQ Cai , and George Atia. Explainable Adversarial Attacks on Coarse-to-Fine Classifiers . In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , 2025.
Yisen Wang, HQ Cai , and Longxiu Huang. Three-Dimensional Signal Processing: A New Approach in Dynamical Sampling via Tensor Products . In Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , 2024.
HQ Cai , Longxiu Huang, Chandra Kundu, and Bowen Su. On the Robustness of Cross-Concentrated Sampling for Matrix Completion . In Conference of Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) , 2024.
Chandler Smith, Samuel Lichtenberg, HQ Cai , and Abiy Tasissa. Riemannian Optimization for Euclidean Distance Geometry . In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Workshops , 2023.
Zheng Tan, Longxiu Huang, HQ Cai , and Yifei Lou. Non-convex Approaches for Low-Rank Tensor Completion under Tubal Sampling . In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , 2023.
Keaton Hamm, Mohamed Meskini, and HQ Cai . Riemannian CUR Decompositions for Robust Principal Component Analysis . In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Workshops , 2022.
HQ Cai , Zehan Chao, Longxiu Huang, and Deanna Needell. Fast Robust Tensor Principal Component Analysis via Fiber CUR Decomposition . In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops , 2021.
Technical Reports
Dylan King, Caroline Hills, Michael Kielstra, and Matt Torrence. Parallel Time Integration for Constrained Optimization . Lawrence Livermore National Lab , Report No. LLNL-SR-822456, 2020. Academic Mentor: HQ Cai . Sponsoring Mentors: Rob Falgout, Jeff Hittinger, and Cosmin Petra.
Elijah Gross-Sable, Jacky Lee, Xia Li, Tyler Sam, and Nate Sands. Trained to Kill: Analyzing Homicide Data in Los Angeles County . UCLA Computational and Applied Mathematics REU , Final Report for LA Homicide Narratives, 2019. Principal Investigators: Andrea Bertozzi and Jeffrey Brantingham. Academic Mentors: Michael Lindstrom and HQ Cai .